This question block comes under the General question blocks.
In this question type, the respondents can add a date to the question asked by selecting the required date from the calendar provided in the dropdown or manually inputting the response.
You can also select the "Date and Time" option from the settings section. It will allow respondents to submit their answers as date and time.
Response required: selecting the answer from the list is mandatory; the respondent will not be able to move to another question without answering the question.
Show Calendar: If this option is selected, the respondents will be shown a calendar when they try to enter the response in the answer field; if this option is turned off, the respondent will manually input the date/date and time.
Progress bar: It will display how the completion status of the survey.
You can change the user interface of this block by changing the font family and colour scheme and adding a background image of the question.
Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise result of the questions asked.
For a Date question block, the result will appear in a tabular format, where you will find the respondents' IDs with their responses.
You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will get downloaded in CSV format.
You can filter the result and view/download the results of any particular respondent or a group of respondents.
To understand how to add a question block, click here