Privileges of different roles in a meeting


  • Mute/Unmute themselves.
  • Mute/Unmute Others.
  • Share screen.
  • Request others to share the screen.
  • Change the role of participants.
  • Turn on/off the video camera.
  • Chat with other roles - Attendees, Observer, Interpreters, Moderators and Organizer.


  • Mute/Unmute themselves.
  • Mute/Unmute Others.
  • Share screen.
  • Request others to share the screen.
  • Change the role of participants.
  • Turn on/off the video camera.
  • Chat with other roles - Attendees, Observer, Interpreters, Moderators and Organizer.


  • Mute/Unmute themselves.
  • Turn on/off the Camera.
  • Chat with other roles - Moderator, Organizer and Interpreter.
  • Share screen - If the moderator/Organizer Requests.


Chat with other roles - Observer, Interpreters, Moderators and Organizer.


  • Mute/Unmute themselves.
  • Share screen.
  • Turn on/off the video camera.
  • Chat with other roles - Attendees, Observer, Interpreters, Moderators and Organizer.