Downloading Study/Survey Responses

Decode allows you to easily download the raw data corresponding to the survey, which is set up on the platform. The data from all the charts available on the platform can be downloaded as a CSV file. 

Here are the steps for downloading the data available in the charts:

Step 1: Once you log in to the decode platform, you will arrive on the dashboard. From the navigation panel on the left-hand side, click on the "Library" icon.

Step 2: After you have clicked on the library option, you will arrive at the home screen of the library. On this page, you will be able to see a repository of all the studies conducted. 

Step 3: Open the study for which you wish to download the result of the respondents by clicking on the study card.

Step 4: Go to the result tab from the navigation panel at the top of the page.

 Step 5: To download the data, click on the download icon present at the top-right corner of the analytics chart. You will also find information like the total number of responses, testers ID and date of taking the test.

💡Note: If you wish to download the response data of some particular respondents, you can apply a filter for the selection and then click on the download button. After this, only the data of the selected respondents will be downloaded in the CSV file.