Release Notes - 21st June, 2024

What's New?

1. Enhanced Media Support: Upload .mov Files in Decode ⬆️

We're thrilled to announce that Decode now allows the upload of ".mov" files for media processing! This enhancement provides a smoother user experience and greater flexibility when uploading media files to the platform. Enjoy the benefits of seamless media integration and improved workflow with this new enhancement!

2. Comprehensive Tooltips for Decode Focus Metrics✨

With this update, we have introduced tooltips that provide detailed definitions for each decode focus metric. These tooltips are designed to enhance user understanding by explaining the significance and context of each metric directly within the interface.This enhancement not only improves user comprehension but also facilitates more informed decision-making and more effective utilization of decode focus metrics for optimizing strategies and enhancing performance.


  • Previously, questions from quantitative studies that included logic and screening were not handled by the copilot. Now, the copilot has been enhanced to manage questions from all scenarios of quantitative studies, thereby enhancing the user experience.
  • We've improved the subscription widget to monitor copilot and decode focus usage.

Bug Fixes🔧

  • The ics file was not attached to invite emails. This has been resolved, and now the file attaches as expected.
  • Users could invite others despite exceeding the workspace user limit. Now, additional invites are blocked when the limit is exceeded.
  • An irrelevant error message appeared when entering the wrong password during login. This has been corrected to display the intended error message.
  • Users could not view in-context blocks when configuring a study using the in-context study template. They can now create the in-context study directly from the template shortcut.