Decode Copilot!

What is Decode AI Copilot?

Decode AI Copilot is an advanced AI-powered feature that streamlines the process of data analysis by seamlessly extracting insights from diverse data sources, including transcripts, PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, and documents. It acts as your virtual assistant, making complex data analysis tasks more accessible and efficient.

How Does Decode AI Copilot Work?

Decode Copilot leverages cutting-edge machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze your data comprehensively. Here's a breakdown of how it operates:

1. Data Integration

Decode Copilot integrates seamlessly with various data sources within our platform. It can process a wide range of data types, ensuring that you can access insights from all your valuable information.

2. Question-Driven Insights

To harness the power of Decode Copilot, simply ask questions about your data. It understands your queries and extracts relevant information from the integrated data sources.

3. Comprehensive Answers

Decode Copilot doesn't just provide basic responses; it offers comprehensive answers, drawing from the insights it has gathered. Whether you need specific details or a broad overview, it has you covered.

Getting Started with Decode AI Copilot

Now that you have an overview of how Decode Copilot works let's explore how you can get started and make the most of this powerful tool:

Login to your account: Access the Decode Copilot directly from your dashboard.

Ask Questions: In the Decode Copilot interface, simply type your questions.

Get Insights: Watch as the Decode Copilot processes your queries and presents you with detailed answers backed by data analysis.

Tips for Maximizing Decode AI Copilot's Potential

To unlock the full potential of Decode Copilot and make the most of your data analysis efforts, consider these tips:

  • Specific Research Inquiries: Ask questions related to specific research topics or areas of interest. 
    For example, "What are the recent trends in sustainable packaging in the cosmetics industry?"
  • Concept Clarification: Ask for explanations or clarifications on specific concepts or terms found in the research materials. For example, "Can you explain the concept of consumer behaviour?"
  • Context: Ask for context-based questions when relevant. For example, "Provide the historical context of the 'Industrial Revolution' as mentioned in the article."
  • Insight Extraction: Ask questions that aim to extract actionable insights from the research. For example, "What are the practical implications of the findings regarding customer retention strategies?"

Type of Question NOT to ask

  • General Knowledge Questions: AVOID asking questions that seek general knowledge or information like the number of participants in the interview, What is the information available in the study “demo 1” 
  • Vague Queries: AVOID vague or overly broad questions that do not specify a particular aspect of the research. For example, "Tell me everything about marketing."
  • Summarization of Entire Reports: AVOID asking the AI to summarize entire lengthy reports or documents. Instead, ask for specific sections or findings.
  • Personal Opinions: AVOID asking the AI for personal opinions or subjective judgments. AI should provide factual information based on the data it has been trained on.
  • Unrelated Queries: AVOID asking questions unrelated to the research or platform's purpose. Keep your inquiries focused on the available research materials.
  • Overly Complex Queries: AVOID asking questions that are excessively complex or convoluted. Clear and concise questions yield better results.


Decode AI Copilot is a game-changer for data analysis, offering a streamlined way to extract valuable insights from your data sources. With its ability to answer questions based on comprehensive data analysis, you can make informed decisions with ease. Harness the power of Decode Copilot to tap into the wealth of knowledge hidden within your data, ultimately gaining a competitive edge in today's data-driven landscape. Embrace the future of data analysis with Decode AI Copilot and unlock the full potential of your data.